- Auden C McClure, Joy Gabrielli, Samantha Cukier, Kristina M Jackson, Zoe J.B. Brennan, Susanne E Tanski (2020); Internet Alcohol Marketing Recall and Drinking in Underage Adolescents; In: Acad. Pediatr.
- Nathan Critchlow et al; (2019) Participation with alcohol marketing and user-created promotion on social media, and the association with higher-risk alcohol consumption and brand identification among adolescents in the UK
- Hendriks, D. Wilmsen, W. E. van Dalen, W. A Gebhardt ; Picture Me Drinking: Alcohol-Related Posts by Instagram Influencers Popular Among Adolescents and Young Adults; Frontiers in Psychology, 22 January 2020
- Noel J. K., & Babor, Thomas F. (2018). Alcohol advertising on Facebook and the desire to drink among young adults. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79, 751-760.doi: 10.15288/jsad.2018.79.751
- James Nicholl (2012) Everyday, Everywhere Alcohol Marketing and Social Media—Current Trends; In Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 47, Issue 4, 1 July 2012,
- Jonathan K. Noel, Thomas F. Babor and James J. Grady (2018);Advertising Content, Platform Characteristics and the Appeal of Beer Advertising on a Social Networking Site; Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2018, 1–7
- Himanshu Gupta,, Tina Lam, Simone Pettigrew and Robert J. Tait (2018);Alcohol marketing on YouTube: exploratory analysis of content adaptation to enhance user engagement in different national contexts. BMC Public Health
- Simons, A, W.E. van Dalen (2017)Alcohol Marketing on Social Media The impact of alcohol marketing via social media on young people; literature review
- Jernigan et al. (2017). Self-Reported Youth and Adult Exposure to Alcohol Marketing in Traditional and Digital Media: Results of a Pilot Survey
- Cranwell et al. (2016). “F*ck It! Let’s Get to Drinking—Poison our Livers!”: a Thematic Analysis of Alcohol Content in Contemporary YouTube Music Videos
- Cranwell et al. (2016). Adult and adolescent exposure to tobacco and alcohol content in contemporary YouTube music videos in Great Britain: a population estimate
- Cranwell et al. (2015). Adolescents’ exposure to tobacco and alcohol content in YouTube music videos
- Cranwell et al. (2016). Alcohol and Tobacco Content in UK Video Games and Their Association with Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Young People
- Lobstein et al. (2016). The commercial use of digital media to market alcohol products: a narrative review
- Purves, Stead and Eadie (2014). “What are you meant to do when you see it everywhere?” Young people, alcohol packaging and digital media. Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling.
To be updated.
Other research projects and literature
*University of Helsinki Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance, research “Online marketing of alcohol”. Click here for more information.
*University of Amsterdam, research “Alcohol and Social Networking Sites”. Click here for more information.
*Addiction Switzerland, research online alcohol marketing. Click here for more information. Previous, Addiction Switzerland conducted a research project into advertising and promotion of tobacco products (including websites and social network sites).
*Book titled : Introduction to youth drinking cultures in a digital world; written by : Antonia C. Lyons, Tim Mccreanoor, Ian Goodwin and Helen Moewaka Barner; Editor: Routledge 2017;
Introduction: link
Chapter 1: Neoliberalism, alcohol and identity; A symptomatic reading of young people’s drinking cultures in a digital world; Ian Goodwin and Christine Griffin
Chapter 2: Social locations; Class, gender and young people’s alcohol consumption in a digital world; Lin Bailey and Christine Griffin
Other chapters: please contact: eucam@eucam.info