Digital alcohol marketing research

To be updated.

Other research projects and literature

*University of Helsinki Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance, research “Online marketing of alcohol”. Click here for more information.

*University of Amsterdam, research “Alcohol and Social Networking Sites”. Click here for more information.

*Addiction Switzerland, research online alcohol marketing. Click here for more information. Previous, Addiction Switzerland conducted a research project into advertising and promotion of tobacco products (including websites and social network sites).

*Book titled : Introduction to youth drinking cultures in a digital world; written by : Antonia C. Lyons, Tim Mccreanoor, Ian Goodwin and Helen Moewaka Barner; Editor: Routledge 2017;

Introduction: link

Chapter 1: Neoliberalism, alcohol and identity; A symptomatic reading of young people’s drinking cultures in a digital world; Ian Goodwin and Christine Griffin

Chapter 2: Social locations; Class, gender and young people’s alcohol consumption in a digital world; Lin Bailey and Christine Griffin

Other chapters: please contact: