The US Federal Trade Commission last week released its fourth study of self-regulation in the alcohol industry. This was the first time the alcohol industry was asked to give up data on their expenditure and reach concerning online alcohol marketing. According to the FTC report the US alcohol industry has a high compliance to their Read More →

The BBC reports that the Turkish government is looking at restricting alcohol advertising through social media and fining violators heavily. In contrast to the new restrictions on alcohol marketing through social media in Finland, Turkey’s policy would affect civilians creating social media content that “suggest advertising for alcohol brands” and not just alcohol companies. The Read More →

A statewide survey has found that 70 percent of food shops in California have outdoor advertising for unhealthy products like tobacco, alcohol and junk food, while only about 12 percent advertise healthy options like fruits and vegetables. Health officials who organized the survey of 7,300 retail stores are urging store owners to revise the way Read More →

Last Friday the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, signed off on proposed amendments to Finland’s alcohol advertising legislation. Interestingly, one of the new laws to go into effect in 2015 is an unprecedented ban on alcohol branded social media communication. Starting in 2015, existing regulations (ia prohibition of advertisements for strong alcoholic beverages in public Read More →

The website of the US’ National Public Radio (NPR) recently reported on an upcoming trend in high-end bars and restaurants: alcoholic beverages mixed with tobacco for an extra spicy flavour and a ‘nicotine buzz.’ NPR spoke to the owner of Los Angeles based ‘gastropub’ Father’s Office, which has sweetened one of their cocktails with ‘a Read More →

The proposed, and approved by cabinet, plans for a ban on alcohol advertising in South Africa have been put on hold again. The ban is now pending an independent regulatory impact assessment (RIA) commissioned by the South African Department of Health. In late November the Department of Health asked proposals for a regulatory impact, service Read More →