Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education (FARE); May 2023 Advertising for products that cause substantial harm should be required to follow Government-led rules that protect our children, families and broader community. For over 20 years, the alcohol industry has largely set its own rules for advertising through the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) Scheme. The Read More → 08 April 2023, By Olivia Logan Everyone knows that Germans love beer. But according to the results of a recent poll by the German government’s drug czar, they don’t want anyone to tell them to love it. Over half of Germans would ban alcohol ads 59 percent of people in Germany would support completely banning advertisements Read More →

05 April 2023 By Laura Montgomery, Chief Executive of Glasgow FC In this blog, Laura Montgomery discusses the reasons why Glasgow City FC are calling for an end to alcohol sports sponsorship.  At Glasgow City FC, we are delighted to be partnering with SHAAP on their Calling Time campaign. We are pleased to show our Read More →