Last month Bacardi Limited has started a marketing campaign advocating responsible drinking. The campaign prominently features the world’s number one tennis player Raphael Nadal. The slogan for the campaign is ‘Champions drink responsible’, which might be in breach of Bacardi’s voluntary marketing regulations. As a member of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States Read More →

In February 2011 the Dutch Directorate for the Media ruled that the STER (the sales organization for advertising on radio and tv of the public service broadcaster) had violated the new Dutch Media Law. The STER received a financial penalty of 35.000 euro for broadcasting alcohol commercials for Heineken and Bavaria beer before 21.00h on Read More →

A new trend may be emerging in the USA, where action against supersized alcopops has been undertaken by both policy makers and the alcohol industry watchdog Marin Institute. In the state Vermont a bill has been introduced banning the sale of flavored malt beverages in containers larger than 12 ounces. The Marin Institute meanwhile has Read More →

This month International Press Agency Reuters reported that the market for alcoholic drinks is booming in the Muslim Gulf. Alcohol producers like Heineken and Diageo are trying to generate interest for their products in the Gulf region using sports sponsorship, by targeting the richer denizens and by introducing non-alcohol alternatives. While Islam prohibits the consumption Read More →

In Malawi there was an encouraging political process last year which aimed at banning the sale of liquor in plastic sachets. Now, as a result of a court decision, the process has stalled. Governments and NGOs have their hands tied up by the court injunction, while the strong liquor continues to be sold to minors, Read More →

Today the Western Australian city of Perth hosts a conference on drug and alcohol issues, visited by government ministers from Australia and New Zealand. Mike Daube, director of the Public Health Advocacy Institute and the McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth , says he hopes the ministers take a harder look at alcohol Read More →