In February 2011 the Dutch Directorate for the Media ruled that the STER (the sales organization for advertising on radio and tv of the public service broadcaster) had violated the new Dutch Media Law. The STER received a financial penalty of 35.000 euro for broadcasting alcohol commercials for Heineken and Bavaria beer before 21.00h on Read More →

While policy makers in Australia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand debate whether alcohol advertising and sponsorship should be banned from sport, new research provides evidence that alcohol industry sponsorship is associated with more hazardous drinking in sportspeople compared to non-alcohol sponsorship. Health scientists from Monash University, the University of Manchester, Deakin University and University Read More →

The American Alcohol Industry Watchdog, the Marin Institute recently reported of a banner campaign from Anheuser-Busch InBev for Budweiser “Family Packs”.  The Marin Institute was tipped by a youth group in Roseburg, Oregon who sent photo’s of the banners that where seen around town. According to the Marin Institute one of the banners was placed Read More →