The Lithuanian government on Wednesday approved in principle proposals that call for further restricting the hours of sale of alcohol and banning alcohol advertising. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis says that the government managed to reach a compromise. The Cabinet endorsed in principle certain new restrictions currently under debate in the Seimas, such as limiting the Read More →

Press release by Eurocare European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s long-awaited report on alcohol labelling in line with Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011. It is thanks to Commissioner’s Andriukaitis persistence that consumers might soon be better informed about what is in alcoholic beverages they drink. Mariann Skar, Eurocare Secretary General said: Read More →

Recent research by Witteman et al (2015) has indicated that the presence of alcohol cues such as the portrayal of the drug and drinking behaviour induced physiological cue reactivity and craving in alcohol dependence through a conditioned appetitive response. The study “Cue reactivity and its relation to craving and relapse in alcohol dependence: a combined laboratory Read More →