Youth Drinking Cultures in a Digital World Alcohol, Social Media and Cultures of Intoxication Edited by Antonia C. Lyons, Tim McCreanor, Ian Goodwin, Helen Moewaka Barnes 2017-Routledge, 244 pages Description Social media has helped boost the culture of intoxication, a central aspect of young people’s social lives in many Western countries. Initial research suggests that Read More →

Martino, Florentine Petronella;  Miller, Peter Graeme;  Coomber, Kerri;  Hancock, Linda;  Kypri, Kypros The University of Newcastle. Faculty of Health & Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health   A growing body of literature points to the role of vested interests as a barrier to the implementation of effective public health policies. Corporate political activity by Read More →

By LUIS FERRÉ-SADURNÍ  OCT. 25, 2017  The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority on Wednesday banned advertising of alcoholic beverages on New York City buses, subway cars and stations, contending that the social benefits of deterring underage drinking outweighed the loss of revenue. After years of pressure from grass-roots organizations, the board voted unanimously in Read More →

  Carolyn Crist  September 28, 2017 (Reuters Health) – YouTube videos that depict alcohol brands favored by youth draw millions of views, making them a form of promotion that could encourage underage drinkers, according to a U.S. study. The videos often resemble traditional ads but may escape public health notice or parental controls, the study Read More →

Beer brands popular among youth violate code with youth-appealing ads   Boston University School of Medicine; Public Release: 5-Oct-2017 Share   Alcohol brands popular among underage drinkers are more likely to air television advertisements that violate the industry’s voluntary code by including youth-appealing content, according to a new study by researchers from Boston University School of Read More →