New report: Report based on the expert meeting on monitoring of digital marketing of unhealthy products to children and adolescents; Source: WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) Moscow, Russian Federation ; June 2018 Despite existing political commitments and policies, the latest evidence shows that children and adolescents are Read More →

Science Daily; March 15, 2019; Source: University of Stirling Summary: Young people’s awareness of alcohol marketing — and their ownership of alcohol-branded merchandise — is associated with increased and higher-risk consumption, a landmark study has found. FULL STORY Young people’s awareness of alcohol marketing — and their ownership of alcohol-branded merchandise — is associated with Read More →

Business Companies; by Jennifer Duke;  March 14, 2019 Spotify has been criticised by a major non-profit organisation for ignoring users with alcohol-dependency issues who have asked to opt-out of booze and liquor-related advertisements. The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) has weighed into the competition regulator’s world-first inquiry into the impact of the digital Read More →

The Spirits Business 8th March, 2019 by Nicola Carruthers #MeToo and the fight to combat sexism in wider society is being reflected in the spirits industry, with moves afoot to ban stereotypical advertising and promote inclusivity. But there is still more to be done to put an end to gender bias in spirits marketing. Over Read More →

Digital food marketing using influencers; February 2019; The Norwegian Consumer Council The Norwegian Consumer Council has for many years been working to reduce pressure on children and young people from the marketing of unhealthy food and drink. The Consumer Council along with a number of other organisations voiced their support when in 2012 the Norwegian Read More →

March 7; Life; Mirage News; All alcohol advertisements should carry a health warning to provide greater protection for consumers – in particular to guard the right of children to safely interact in the digital world. FARE’s submission into the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) review of digital platforms has exposed the lack of consumer Read More →