J Stud Alcohol Drugs Suppl. 2020 Mar;Sup 19:113-124.; Sargent JD1, Babor TF2 Abstract OBJECTIVE: This article summarizes the findings of narrative and systematic literature reviews focused on the relationship between exposure to alcohol marketing and youth drinking, viewed in context of criteria for causality. We also consider the implications of this proposition for alcohol policy Read More →

 Zona Black, The New Daily, 13-05-2020 If you think you’ve seen more ads for alcohol on your social media feed lately, you’re right – it has increased more than 350 per cent during the coronavirus pandemic. Since the country entered lockdown in March, alcohol companies have ramped up their advertising, tailoring advertising around “drink to Read More →

Fare  13-05-2020 A new report has been released today showing the extent to which the alcohol industry is using the COVID-19 pandemic to market their products. In just one hour on a Friday night, 107 sponsored alcohol advertisements were displayed on a person’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, which equates to approximately one alcohol advertisement every Read More →

  By Paul Candon PISCATAWAY, NJ – When alcohol bottles come with conspicuous labels providing information on the risks of alcohol consumption or drinking guidelines, people are better informed about alcohol’s harms and may cut down their drinking, according to a series of open-access studies in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. “The Read More →

Marketing week; By Molly Fleming; 27 April 2020  Heineken used its sponsorship of the UEFA Champions League to attract new digital consumers, dispelling the myth that digital only increases sales penetration among loyal customers. Heineken is using digital to attract new consumers as it looks to disprove the idea that digital advertising only increases sales Read More →