Drug and Alcohol Review; Norman Giesbrecht | Emilene Reisdorfer | Kevin Shield; May 2024 AbstractIssues: Advertising and marketing affect alcohol use; however, no single systematic review has covered all aspects of how they affect alcohol use, and how the alcohol industry views alcohol marketing restrictions. Approach: Two systematic reviews of reviews were performed according to Read More →

June 2022 from Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Alcohol Marketing Expert Network. ABOUT THIS REPORT In September 2020, Alcohol Focus Scotland reconstituted an international expert network on alcohol marketing (‘the Network’) to update its 2017 report on alcohol marketing, Promoting Good Health from Childhood, and inform action by the Scottish Government. The Network ran to Read More →

Roberson, A. A., McKinney, C., Walker, C., & Coleman, A. (2018). Peer, social media, and alcohol marketing influences on college student drinking. Journal of American college health, 66(5), 369-379. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2018.1431903   Objective: To investigate how alcohol marketing and peers may promote college students’ alcohol use through social media. Participants: College students (N D 682) aged Read More →

Wang, S., Geater, A. F., duan, S., Wang, X., Zhang, H., & Zhao, L. (2020). Alcohol advertisements, hazard warnings, knowledge of alcohol-related harm and health-profession students’ drinking in inner Mongolia. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(6), 954-963. 10-1080/10826084.2020.1716013   Abstract Background: Consumption of alcohol among adults in Inner Mongolia is high even among health professionals. Little Read More →

Noel, J. K., Babor, T. f., & Grady, J. J. (2018). Advertising content, platform characteristics and the appeal of beer advertising on a social networking site. Alcohol and alcoholism, 53(5), 619-625. 10.1093/alcalc/agy020 Abstract Aims: The current study was conducted to investigate how changes in the content of a social med- ia ad, user engagement values Read More →

18 July 2018. Professor Christine Griffin, Department of Psychology, University of Bath; Dr Jeff Gavin, Department of Psychology, University of Bath; Professor Isabelle Szmigin, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. https://alcoholchange.org.uk/publication/all-night-long-social-media-marketing-to-young-people-by-alcohol-brands-and-venues Alcohol is a pervasive theme in young people’s social media interactions, and one of the products most likely to elicit ‘user engagement’ online (Ridout et al., 2011; Read More →

Savolainen, L., Oksanen, A., kaakinen, M., Sirola, A., Miller, B. L., Paek, H., & Zych, I. (2020). The association between social media use and hazardous alcohol use Among youths: a four-country study. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 55(1), 86-95. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agz088  Abstract Aims To examine the continuing role of daily popular social media use in youth hazardous alcohol Read More →