Gabrielli, J., Brennan, Z. L. B., Stoolmiller, M., Jackson, K. M., Tanski, S. E., & McClure, C. (2019). A new recall of alcohol marketing scale for youth: measurement      properties and associations with youth drinking status. Journal of Studies on Alcohol      and Drugs, 80(5), 563-571. Objective: Adolescents are exposed to alcohol marketing through Read More →

McClure, A. C., Gabrielli, J., Cukier, S., Jackson, K. M., Brennan, Z. L. B., & Tanski, S. E. (2020). Internet alcohol marketing recall and drinking in underage adolescents. Academic Pedriatrics, 20(1), 128-135. OBJECTIVE: Evidence suggests that adolescents are exposed to alcohol marketing in digital media. We aimed to assess recall of Internet alcohol marketing and Read More →

Wang, S., Geater, A. F., duan, S., Wang, X., Zhang, H., & Zhao, L. (2020). Alcohol advertisements, hazard warnings, knowledge of alcohol-related harm and health-profession students’ drinking in inner Mongolia. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(6), 954-963. 10-1080/10826084.2020.1716013   Abstract Background: Consumption of alcohol among adults in Inner Mongolia is high even among health professionals. Little Read More →

Purves, R. (2014). “What are you meant to do when you see it everywhere?” Young people, alcohol packaging and digital media. 10.13140/2.1.5041.6966 Background and aims The consumption of alcohol plays an important part in the way in which people create desired identities and live their social lives. Through marketing practices, alcohol brands have become embedded Read More →

Alcohol Marketing on Social Media, The impact of alcohol marketing via social media on young people. Authors: Amber Simons, Wim van Dalen Latest revision: November 2017. Abstract This review discusses the volume and content of alcohol marketing via social media and the impact it has on young people. The main goal is to describe the Read More →

18 July 2018. Professor Christine Griffin, Department of Psychology, University of Bath; Dr Jeff Gavin, Department of Psychology, University of Bath; Professor Isabelle Szmigin, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. Alcohol is a pervasive theme in young people’s social media interactions, and one of the products most likely to elicit ‘user engagement’ online (Ridout et al., 2011; Read More →

Hendriks, H., Wilsen, D., van Dalen, W., & Gebhardt, W. A. (2020). Picture me drinking: alcohol-related posts by Instagram influencers popular among adolescents and young Frontiers in Psychology, 22(10), 1-9. 10.3389./fpsyg.2019.02991 Research has shown that young people post a lot of alcohol-related posts (i.e., alcoholposts) on social media and these posts have been shown to Read More →

Emmi Kauppila, Mikaela Lindeman, Johan Svensson, Matilda Hellman and Anu Katainen ALCOHOL MARKETING ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES IN FINLAND AND SWEDEN A comparative audit study of brands’ presence and content, and the impact of a legislative change Abstract Social media has become a key marketing platform for alcohol brands. Social media makes it possible for Read More →

Internet Alcohol Marketing Recall and Drinking in Underage Adolescents (2020). Auden C McClure et al. Acad Pediatr. Jan-Feb 2020. 20(1):128-135. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2019.08.003.  Authors Auden C McClure  1 , Joy Gabrielli  2 , Samantha Cukier  3 , Kristina M Jackson  4 , Zoe L B Brennan  5 , Susanne E Tanski  6 Objective: Evidence suggests that adolescents are exposed to alcohol marketing in digital media. Read More →

Savolainen, L., Oksanen, A., kaakinen, M., Sirola, A., Miller, B. L., Paek, H., & Zych, I. (2020). The association between social media use and hazardous alcohol use Among youths: a four-country study. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 55(1), 86-95.  Abstract Aims To examine the continuing role of daily popular social media use in youth hazardous alcohol Read More →