Exposure to alcohol marketing increases the acceptability of drinking alcohol, at an earlier age of onset and influences drinking behaviours, including heavy episodic drinking. The digital ecosystem provides opportunities for marketing companies to position increasingly covert advertising. These new advertisements target individual consumers based on the data that has been gathered about them, allowing marketers to optimize their strategies. Policy- and decision-makers concerned to regulate and enforce digital marketing to reduce harm risks need to keep pace with the constantly evolving digital marketspace.
This Snapshot is part of a series of briefs tackling critical issues related to the determinants driving the acceptability, availability and affordability of alcohol consumption and how it affects people and their communities. The briefs result from a quick scanning of the recent evidence on the topic, insights from leading experts, consultation with selected countries, and discussions during webinars convened to create a platform to match evidence, practice, and policies. It is intended for a broad audience, including professionals working in public health and local and national alcohol policy focal points, policy-makers, government officials, researchers, civil society groups, consumer associations, the mass media and people new to alcohol research or practice.
To read the full report click here: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240045002