March 4th, 2022 by Kelly Mcclure. From Salon.

Having four drinks a day can age a person’s brain considerably over time, states new study. The study, published in the journal Nature, provides data indicating that people who drank a pint of beer, or a 6-oz glass of wine on a daily basis over a month appeared to be two years older than those who drank half a beer during the same time.

Alcohol researcher Emmanuela Gakidou, a professor of health metrics sciences at the University of Washington weighed in on the study saying “a problem in this study is that they only have information on people’s drinking habits for the one year prior to the (brain) imaging,” adding “I think this is a major limitation of the study as it’s likely that the cumulative consumption of alcohol throughout one’s lifetime is associated with the brain, not just the level of consumption right before the images were taken.” 

The data for the study was pulled from 36,000 people which study coauthor Gideon Nave, an assistant professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania commented is “by far the largest investigation of the topic.”


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