26th of January, 2021 by Jordan Lukeš. From Socialbakers

“How much do you think online alcohol sales increased during the pandemic?”, the author asks. Data regarding these online sales, show that in the US, only at the end of March 21, 2020 increased by 262% year over year.

Alcohol brands, like other brands, need to manage their social media accounts through strategies that are engaging, creative and respect the law; however, given today’s tools is it possible to know who your audience is and tailor products and ads for them.

One of the strategies alcohol brands use is through Facebook advertising, where the industry spends the highest CPC (cost per click). Also, the alcohol industry places itself on the News Feed of Facebook, meaning that their content is prioritized in respect to that of friends and family.

The result is that of placing a variety of different ads, reaching several audiences and even bringing down costs.

Strategies also take place on Instagram, where nearly 60% of alcohol marketing ad campaigns happen, with a 40% posted on Instagram stories.

Some of the best Instagram stories from alcohol brands include Jameson Irish Whiskey, that welcomes its followers to participate through seasonal promotions and explaining cocktail recipes creating an active community atmosphere.

Also Jack Daniel’s Whiskey knows how to engage with its audience, and the author believes this brand is the perfect example of a marketing that lead people into thinking about your brand every day, 24/7.

Last but not least, emphasis is put on Bud Light as well, that created a partnership between topics native to their fans and their own classic branding. They then engage with their audience through GIFs and several graphics.

One last way to create a connection with the public on social media is through influencer marketing, one of the most lucrative strategies for alcohol brands. In fact, take a look at the top 10 list of US alcohol brands Instagram influencers mention.

Alcohol brands are actually overcoming the challenges of having to cater to a mature audience. It’s safe to say that influencer marketing has been an effective way to get messages across to the right audiences when done in a legal and tasteful way.


To read the full article, click on the following link: https://www.socialbakers.com/blog/alcohol-marketing-trends-you-need-to-know-right-now?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

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