Soft drink company to part with tradition by launching version of ‘Chu-Hi’ alcopop in Japan Coca-Cola is to produce the first alcoholic drink in its 132-year-history, with plans to launch an alcopop in Japan. The world’s biggest soft drinks company said it would start making a version of “Chu-Hi” – canned sparkling flavoured drinks that Read More →

Rossen, I., Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Stafford, J., Wakefield, M., and Chikritzhs, T. (2017). Evidence on the nature and extent of alcohol promotion and the consequences for young people’s alcohol consumption. Report prepared for the Mental Health Commission by the WA Cancer Prevention Research Unit, Curtin University School of Psychology and Speech Pathology, Perth, Western Read More →

ess Live Drinks firms could be liable for harm done by drunks 26 February 2018; Linda Ensor Wheels are turning: Department of Trade and Industry director-general Lionel October speaks at a parliamentary committee meeting. He says it will take two to three weeks to finalise the proposed liquor law. Picture:   The Department of Health Read More →

Marketing messages accompanying online selling of low/er and regular strength wine and beer products in the UK: a content analysis Milica Vasiljevic Lucia Coulter, Mark Petticrew and Theresa M. Marteau BMC Public HealthBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted201818:147 ©  The Author(s). 2018 Abstract Background Increased availability of low/er strength alcohol products has the potential to reduce alcohol consumption if Read More →

February 7, 2018 11.12 Europe/London By Julian Clover   Plans by Sweden to impose a ban on alcohol advertising on two UK-based broadcasters is not compatible with European law. Previously the Myndigheten för radio och TV had asked its UK counterpart Ofcom to put pressure on the broadcasters, understood to be Viasat (TV3, TV6 and Read More →

 By AT editor – 5 February 2018 at 12:35 am   African health advocacy organizations have joined in a global campaign against the Heineken beverage company’s new partnership with The Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The Dutch company’s announcement came during the World Economic Forum in Davos, as Heineken promised to share Read More →