President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation has signed off on a bill that officially labels beer as an alcoholic product instead of a foodstuff. This redefined status of beer will result in the product being subjected to the same regulations as spirits which means restricting the locations where beer can be sold and banning Read More →

A new study conducted by the Australian University of Wollongong comes to the same conclusion as similar studies conducted in other countries: exposure to alcohol advertisements among adolescents is strongly associated with drinking patterns. In the article the authors point to the current high levels of alcohol consumption among Australian youth and underline the need Read More →

The American ‘watchdog’ of the alcohol industry the Marin Institute has published a new report about the health claims of alcohol producers. The report concludes that despite all the well known negative consequences of drinking alcohol, both to society as well as individuals, marketing efforts are still being made to send the message that drinkers Read More →

International alcohol companies misbehave in the African continent. The dominating and unethical character of alcohol marketing of these companies in African countries strengthens the urgent need to increase legislation on alcohol advertising in the African continent. That is one of the main conclusions of a new report published by the World Health Organization (WHO).  An Read More →