After a long battle to retain the ban on televised alcohol marketing, it looks like Norway will have to drop the ban shortly now that the European Commission has gotten involved. The Norse government recently received a letter from European Commission’s Vice-President, Neelie Kroes stating that they have no choice but to adopt the new Read More →

Lately a string of media attention has paid critical attention to the level of alcohol industry influence over British Government policy. It all began with the revelation in the BBC television series Panorama, that industry representation on the Government and Partners Alcohol Working Group had in recent times grown from a few up to almost Read More →

President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation has signed off on a bill that officially labels beer as an alcoholic product instead of a foodstuff. This redefined status of beer will result in the product being subjected to the same regulations as spirits which means restricting the locations where beer can be sold and banning Read More →

A new study conducted by the Australian University of Wollongong comes to the same conclusion as similar studies conducted in other countries: exposure to alcohol advertisements among adolescents is strongly associated with drinking patterns. In the article the authors point to the current high levels of alcohol consumption among Australian youth and underline the need Read More →