
On the 20th and 21st of November the first EUCAM work conference meeting was held in Brussels. This meeting was open to a limited number of scientists, policy makers and representatives of public health NGOs.The program and a copy of the presentations can be found below. For dissemination of the presentations, please contact EUCAM or the authors.

Program EUCAM work conference (84,4 kB)

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EC strategy on alcohol marketing by Jonathan Back (DG Sanco) (1,53 MB)

The effects of alcohol marketing by Ross Gordon ISM (6,37 MB)EUCAM Conference Alcohol Marketing Brussels 2008 1

Monitoring the volume of alcohol marketing – David Jernigan (John Hopkins University) (38,3 MB)

Trends in Alcohol Marketing by Avalon de Bruijn (EUCAM) (5,28 MB)

Alcohol marketing in Thailand by Thamarangsi Thaksaphon (Ministry of Health Thailand) (15,0 MB)