The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), the self-regulatory organisation tasked with the regulation of the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing in the UK, has ruled a Heineken TV ad must not be broadcast again in its current form. The decision is made in reaction to 17 complaints the ASA received because the ad Read More →

The Oireachtas committee on transport and communications, a committee of Irish politicians dedicated to reviewing the currently proposed action plan on alcohol, opposes any ban on alcohol sponsorship of sporting events and instead want an “addiction” fund set up and stronger regulations for marketing drink. Alcohol Action Ireland has called this decision: “a failure to Read More →

A message to the European Sponsorship Agency (ESA): In its statement of June 20th, ESA –the European Sponsorship Agency- stated that they are not aware of ‘any research that shows that young people are adversely affected by alcohol advertising; while they may be aware of it, it does not influence their drinking patterns’. In this Read More →

Alcohol advertising encourages heavy drinking and puts people in danger of contracting HIV through risky sexual behaviour, said Savera Kalideen last week. She spoke on behalf of NGO Soul City, at the 6th South African Aids Conference in Durban. In her presentation, Kalideen voiced her support for Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi’s call for a ban Read More →

Immediate changes to the way alcohol is advertised, backed up by a complete ban on advertising at all sporting, cultural and music events, are needed to protect children and young people from excessive exposure to alcohol advertising, according to the charity, Alcohol Concern. In a major new report, Stick to the Facts, the charity claims Read More →

Later this week professor Christine Griffin of the University of Bath’s Department of Psychology will call for tighter regulations for alcohol marketing on social network sites at a London conference on Alcohol and Drug regulation. Professor Griffin worked with academics from Massey University in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand researching how 18 – 25 year Read More →