The NSW parliament (Australia) is considering new restrictions on alcohol advertising, including in sport. Friday 1 December 2017, link from the Guardian  Alcohol Industry Australia: Ads don’t make young people drink more; there is an ‘association’ between drinking and advertising but it isn’t causal. Experts: Australia failing to stop alcohol ads reaching children. The alcohol Read More →

1st December, 2017 by Lauren Eads The Australian alcohol and sporting industry has rounded on proposals to ban alcohol adverts in New South Wales (NSW) claiming that it will harm the industry and, despite claims to the contrary, will not do anything to discourage drinking among young people. In September the NSW parliament announced it Read More →

Daily Mail, 30 November 2017 Recent statistics show women aged 16-24 now out drink men of the same age According to the OECD, educated British women are most likely to binge drink Alcohol Advent calendars and pink drinks are encouraging daily drinking Experts believe alcohol is becoming feminine to help the sector grow  Marita Moore, Read More →

Authors: Amber Simons, Wim van Dalen Latest revision: November 2017 Abstract This review discusses the volume and content of alcohol marketing via social media and the impact it has on young people. The main goal is to describe the amount of alcohol marketing young people are exposed to on social media as well as how Read More →

November 2017 The Swedish Government authorities recently initiated the last step in IOGT-NTO’s article 4 AVMSD complaint from 2011 about alcohol advertising broadcasting into Sweden from the UK in order to avoid the Swedish alcohol advertising ban. On 31 of October Swedish authorities submitted a notification to the European Commission outlining that they want to Read More →

November 2017, Alcohol Action Ireland More than 90% of children reported that they were exposed to traditional, or offline, alcohol advertisements in the week prior to the study and more than half saw four or more alcohol advertisements per day. ·         77% of children reported exposure to alcohol marketing online ·         61% of children reported Read More →

Youth Drinking Cultures in a Digital World Alcohol, Social Media and Cultures of Intoxication Edited by Antonia C. Lyons, Tim McCreanor, Ian Goodwin, Helen Moewaka Barnes 2017-Routledge, 244 pages Description Social media has helped boost the culture of intoxication, a central aspect of young people’s social lives in many Western countries. Initial research suggests that Read More →