January 24, 2019 by Irina Gonzales. From The Temper. The insidious tactics through 10 examples of gendered marketing of how the alcohol industry is targeting women. For years, alcohol consumption has been on the rise for women in the U.S. for the past three decades, with women today making up 37 percent of whiskey drinkers as Read More →

21 April, 2021 by Lay Samean. From The Phnom Penh Post. The government should take the temporary ban on alcoholic drink advertising a step further and make the ruling permanent as it endangers the public’s health, a local NGO suggested. Mom Kong, executive director of the Cambodia Movement for Health, said the ban on alcohol Read More →

March 8, 2021 by Amanda Marie Atkinson, Beth Meadows, Mwaka Nanyangwe, and Harry Sumnall, the Public Health Institute Liverpool John Moores University. From the blog of Alcohol Health Alliance. How the alcohol industry, through “brand activism” uses International Women’s Day to sell its products to women. Throughout the 20th and 21st century, International Women’s Day (IWD) has Read More →

The Australian Foundation for Alcohol Research analyzes the risks of the popularity of alcohol-free products January 2020, from FARE (Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education). “Great taste, zero alcohol” is the new Heineken logo used to sponsor the 0.0 non-alcoholic beer, the zero-alcohol product now trending in many countries and among many alcohol brands. Particularly, Read More →

April 12, 2021 by Clare Burnett. From Brews News A series of beer marketing communication have faced an ABAC panel after alcohol advertising watchdog’s quarterly report on complaints. In fact, complaints remain high in the first quarter of 2021 after a record of complaints in 2020 with 24 determinations, 11 of which were upheld, 12 Read More →

28 March 2021. From the Sunday Times.  Doctors have renewed calls for Scottish ministers to break links between alcohol and sport with a clampdown on lucrative sponsorship deals. Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) said children were especially susceptible to advertising and called for robust restrictions to be considered by the next Scottish government Read More →

31st March 2021. From an ARCHIVE of alcohol awareness campaigns, videos, posters, clips, infographics, documentaries and other materials. Hosted by Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network (NordAN). www.nordan.org  “WeAreTheCity and WeAreTechWomen are celebrating International Women’s Day by ellevating the voices of 100 incredible global women who #ChooseToChallenge. Throughout March, through this campaign,  incredible words of Read More →