Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 59, Issue 4, July 2024, , ;; Rachael L. Murray, Jo Leonardi-Bee; Alexander Barker, Olivia Brown & Tessa Langley A rapid literature review of the effect of alcohol marketing on people with, or at increased risk of, an alcohol problem  Abstract Aims To explore the effect or potential effect of alcohol Read More →

Drug and Alcohol review; april 2024; Antonia C. Lyons, Kate Kersey, Carol Emslie, Elena Dimova, Annamae Burrows Abstract Issues Alcohol marketing on social media platforms is pervasive and effective, reaching wide audiences and allowing interaction with users. We know little about the gendered nature of digital alcohol marketing, including how women and men are portrayed, how different genders respond Read More →

Examining the nature of sponsorship relations for professional football teams across countries with varied restrictions on alcohol marketing Dr. Richard I. Purves, Amber Morgan, Dr. Nathan Critchlow; A report prepared for Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems by the Institute for Social Marketing and Health, Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, University of Stirling. Published Read More →

Marissa G. Hall a.o ; Addictive Behaviours, Vol. 252; May 2024 Highlights *Alcohol is sometimes marketed alongside breast cancer causes (i.e., pinkwashing)• *Pinkwashed ads did not change breast cancer risk perceptions or purchase intentions.  *Pinkwashed beer ads led to greater brand favorability and perceived healthfulness.  *Findings suggest exposing pinkwashing could garner support for alcohol policies. Read More →

June 2023; Dr. Amanda Atkinson, Reader in the Sociology of Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN)are proud to host our Alcohol Occasionals seminar series, which showcases new and innovativeresearch on alcohol. These events provide the chance for researchers, healthcare professionals, Read More →

Drug and Alcohol Review; 04 December 2023 Kerri Coomber, Ryan Baldwin, Nicholas Taylor, Sarah Callinan, Claire Wilkinson, John W. Toumbourou, Tanya Chikritzhs, Peter G. Miller Abstract Introduction Variation in alcohol availability is an important driver of levels of consumption and harm, with recent increases in online alcohol home delivery use expanding availability. There is limited research on the impacts of these changes Read More →

Drug & Alcohol Review; 04 December 2023;  Coomber, Ryan Baldwin, Nicholas Taylor, Sarah Callinan, Claire Wilkinson, John W. Toumbourou, Tanya Chikritzhs, Peter G. Miller Abstract Introduction Variation in alcohol availability is an important driver of levels of consumption and harm, with recent increases in online alcohol home delivery use expanding availability. There is limited research on the impacts of these changes and the Read More →

Drug Alcohol Rev. 2022 Sep; 41(6): 1444–1456 ; Published online 2022 Jun 27. doi: 10.1111/dar.13497 Monica H. Swahn, 1 , 2 Rachel Culbreth, 3 Ari Fodeman, 4 Cherell Cottrell‐Daniels, 2 Nazarius Mbona Tumwesigye, 5 David H. Jernigan, 6 Rogers Kasirye, 7 and Isidore Obot 8    Introduction To determine the role of alcohol marketing, perceptions of marketing and social norms on heavy alcohol use and problem drinking among vulnerable youth in Uganda. Methods The Read More →

Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy; David Whiteley, Deborah Rickards-Hill, Elena Dimova and Carol Emslie ABSTRACT Background: Harmful alcohol use is more prevalent among sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) than their cisgender/heterosexual counterparts. the reasons for this are complex, incorporating alcohol’s normalization and availability in social settings, its importance to identity construction, and drinking to cope Read More →