Author: Sonya Dal Cin, Keilah A. Worth, Meg Gerrard, Frederick X. Gibbons, Mike Stoolmiller, Thomas A. Wills, and James D. Sargent Title: Watching and drinking: Expectancies, prototypes, and peer affiliations mediate the effect of exposure to alcohol use in movies on adolescent drinking Journal: Health Psychol. 2009 July ; 28(4): 473–483. doi:10.1037/a0014777. Abstract Objective: To investigate the psychological processes Read More →

Authors: Lesley A Smith and David R Foxcroft Title: The effect of alcohol advertising, marketing and portrayal on drinking behaviour in young people: systematic review of prospective cohort studies Journal: BMC Public Health 2009, 9:51 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-51  A full text pdf of this review study is available here Abstract: Background The effect of alcohol portrayals and advertising on the Read More →

Authors: T.A. Wills, J.D. Sargent, F.X. Gibbons, M. Gerrard, & M. Stoolmiller Title: Movie Exposure to Alcohol Cues and Adolescent Alcohol Problems: A Longitudinal Analysis in a National Sample Journal: Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 23(1), 23-35. Abstract The authors tested a theoretical model of how exposure to alcohol Read More →

Authors: Lisa Henriksen, Ellen C. Feighery, Nina C. Schleicher and Stephen P. Fortmann Title: Receptivity to Alcohol Marketing Predicts Initiation of Alcohol Use Journal: Journal of Adolescent Health 42 (2008) 28-35. Abstract Objective: To examine the impact of receptivity to alcohol marketing and recall/recognition of alcohol brand names on initiation of alcohol use. Design: longitudinal study Setting: three middle schools and Read More →

Authors: Rebecca L. Collins, Phyllis L. Ellickson, Daniel McCaffrey, Katrin Hambarsoomians Title: Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and its Relationship to Underage DrinkingJournal: Journal of Adolescent Health, 2007, 40, 527-534. Abstract Objective: The study examines whether the exposure to alcohol marketing affects adolescents’ beer use. Design: Prospective study (longitudinal study) Setting: 39 schools in South Dakota, US Participants: Sixth grade students between 11 and 12 Read More →

Authors: Peter Anderson Title: The Impact of Alcohol Advertising: ELSA project report on the evidence to strengthen regulation to protect young people. Organization: the National Foundation for Alcohol Prevention, the Netherlands and the ELSA project 2005-2007.  A full text pdf of this report is available here Summary and conclusions: Beverage alcohol, although a ubiquitous toxin, is a widely marketed Read More →

Author: Lesley A. Smith, David R. Foxcroft Title: The effect of alcohol advertising and marketing in drinking behaviour in young people: A systematic review. Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of exposure to alcohol marketing on alcohol consumption in youngsters by reviewing recent longitudinal studies. Design: Literature study Participants: Cohort studies that included at least 75% youngsters Read More →

Author: Keryn E. Pasch, Kelli A. Komro, Cheryl L. Perry, Mary O. Hearst, Kian Farbakhsh Title: Outdoor Alcohol Advertising near schools: What does it advertise and how is it related to intentions and use of alcohol among young adolescents? Journal: J Study Alcohol Drugs (2007), 68, 587-596. Abstract Objective: To document and to describe all outdoor alcohol advertisements surrounding Read More →

Authors: Phyllis L. Ellickson, Rebecca L. Collins, Katrin Hambarsoomians, Daniel F. McCaffrey Title: Does alcohol advertising promote adolescent drinking? Results from a longitudinal assessment Journal: Addiction, 2005, 100, 235-246. Abstract Objective: The study examines whether the exposure to alcohol marketing in grade 8 affects drinking alcohol for two groups of mid-adolescents: (1) seventh-grade non-drinkers and (2) seventh-grade drinkers. In Read More →

Author: Alan W. Stacy, Jennifer B. Zogg, Jennifer B. Unger, Clyde W. DentTitle: Exposure to Televised Alcohol Ads and Subsequent Adolescent Alcohol UseJournal: American Journal Health Behaviour, 2004, 28 (6), 498-509. Abstract Objective: The study examines whether the exposure to television alcohol advertisements affects adolescents’ alcohol use. The study differs from most other studies by measuring the exposure to Read More →