Hanneke Hendriks, Joris J. van Hoof, Peter D. Noort, Lukas van Remmerden, Carmen V. Voogt, Eva A. van Reijmersdal First published: 29 September 2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119678816.iehc0747 Abstract Alcohol advertising is widespread and has increased over the past years. The exposure to and effects of alcohol marketing have been the focus of much research. Based on several systematic reviews and meta-analyses, there Read More →

Final Report (April 2023) David Mackay and Parisa Shirazi In November 2022, the Scottish Government launched a public consultation onrestricting alcohol advertising and promotion in Scotland. To support children andyoung people to share their views and opinions about the proposals included in theconsultation, the Scottish Government commissioned Children in Scotland to deliverengagement work with children Read More →

Megan Strowger, Rachel Ayala Guzman, Rachel B. Geyer, Rose Marie Ward, Abby L. Braitman; Drug and Alcohol Review; 29 April 2023 Abstract Introduction Frequent exposure to peer-shared alcohol-related content (ARC) on social media is associated with greater alcohol consumption and related consequences among undergraduates. Social media influencers also share ARC; yet, the effect of exposure to influencer-shared ARC on alcohol Read More →

March 2023; Fare, Australia There is a copious amount of online advertising being placed by alcoholcompanies, with 39,820 distinct alcohol advertisements captured from 351prominent producers, retailers and venues on Meta platforms in Australiaover a 12-month period. This equates to an average of 765 distinct alcoholadvertisements disseminated per week.• The number of alcohol advertisements showed a Read More →

Bain, E., Scully, M., Wakefield, M., Durkin, S., & White, v. (2022). Association between single-channel and cumulative exposure to alcohol advertising and drinking behaviours among Australian adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/dar.13530 Abstract Introduction Widespread commercial promotion of alcohol products in Australia undermines the abstinence message for young people. This study aims to document the Read More →

June 2022 from Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Alcohol Marketing Expert Network. ABOUT THIS REPORT In September 2020, Alcohol Focus Scotland reconstituted an international expert network on alcohol marketing (‘the Network’) to update its 2017 report on alcohol marketing, Promoting Good Health from Childhood, and inform action by the Scottish Government. The Network ran to Read More →

Amsterdam 2019   About On the 19th September 2019, the European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM)) together with the Centre for Health Communication of the University of Amsterdam and the European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) organised a conference about digital alcohol marketing. The first goal of the conference was to present and discuss the Read More →