
This page contains information on statutory alcohol marketing regulations in Bulgaria (table 1); a description of the restrictions per medium (table 2); labelling information (table 3); information on self-regulations on alcohol marketing (table 4); the complaints procedure; a summary about the Bulgarian regulations on alcohol marketing and exhaustive, downloadable documents from the ELSA & FASE research projects.

Table 1Statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in BulgariaCoverage
justicebnwЗакон за
здравето (Law of Health)
TV, radio, outdoor. Direct and indirect advertising
Закон за радиото
и телевизията (Law for the Radio and Television)
TV, radio
Table 2 Statutory regulations per mediumType of restrictions
TVTelevisionBan on direct advertising for spirits (Article 55 (1) Law of Health)
Ban on indirect advertising for spirits before 22.00 (Article 55 (3) Law of Health)
Youth protection policy & content restrictions (Article 55 (2) Law of Health; Article 80 (3) Law for the Radio and Television)
RadioMusic-Radio-iconBan on direct advertising for spirits (Article 55 (1) Law of Health)
Ban on indirect advertising for spirits before 22.00 (Article 55 (3) Law of Health)
Youth protection policy & content restrictions (Article 55 (2) Law of Health; Article 80 (3) Law for the Radio and Television)
Outdoor marketingOutdoor AdvertisingYouth protection policy & content restrictions (Article 55 (2) Law of Health)
Ban on direct advertising for spirits (Article 55 (1) Law of Health)
Printed mediaPrint mediaNone
Internet/digital mediaOnlineNone
Promotional itemssales promotionsNone
(Sports) sponsorshipsponsorshipNone
Table 3 Labelling informationDescriptionLegally binding or self-regulation
Health warnings:Nonepregnancywhite
Ingredients/nutritional informationNone
Table 4 Self-regulations on Alcohol marketing in BulgariaCoverage
Кодекс за
комуникация и
стандарти на
членовете на
Съюза на
пивоварите в
(Code of responsible commercial communications and ethical standards of the members of the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria)
TV, radio, cinema, sponsoring, internet/digital media, outdoor, print, promotional items
национални етични правила за реклама и търговска комуникация в р българия (National Ethical rules for advertising
and commercial
communication in the
Republic of Bulgaria)
TV, radio, cinema, sponsoring, internet/digital media, outdoor, print

The following document contains an in depth overview of alcohol marketing regulations in Bulgaria: alcohol-marketing-regulations-Bulgaria.pdf

For even more (but older) information on alcohol marketing regulations in Bulgaria, please take a look at Bulgaria’s appendix to the 2007 ELSA (Enforcement of national Laws and Self-regulation on advertising and marketing of Alcohol) report.