
This page contains information on statutory alcohol marketing
regulations in Switzerland (table 1); a description of the restrictions per medium (table 2); labelling information (table 3); information on non-statutory alcohol marketing regulations (table 4); the complaints procedure; and lastly a summary about the Swiss regulations on alcohol marketing.

Updated March 2019

Table 1Statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in SwitzerlandCoverage
justicebnwBundesgesetz über die gebrannten Wasser (Alkoholgesetz 1932) (Law on Alcohol 1932)Spirits. The law is formulated in a technical neutral language, so the restrictions apply to any media.
Lebensmittel- und Gebrauchsgegenständeverordnung (Act on foods and commodities)Wine and beer. The law is formulated in a technical neutral language, so the restrictions apply to any media.
über Radio und Fernsehen
(Federal Act
on Radio and Television)
(Loi fédérale
sur la radio et la télévision)
(Legge federale
sulla radiotelevisione)
TV, radio
Radio- und Fernsehverordnung (Radio and TV Regulation) (Ordonnance
sur la radio et la télévision)
sulla radiotelevisione)
TV, radio
Table 2 Statutory regulations per mediumType of statutory restrictions
TVTelevisionBan on advertising for spirits (Article 10 Federal Act on Radio and TV; Article 42b (3a) Law on Alcohol)
Youth protection policy (Article 16 Radio and TV Regulation; for wine and beer: Article 11 Act on Foods and commodities)
Content restrictions (Article 16 Radio and TV Regulation)
RadioMusic-Radio-iconBan on advertising for spirits (Article 10 Federal Act on Radio and TV; Article 42b (3a) Law on Alcohol)
Youth protection policy (Article 16 Radio and TV Regulation; for wine and beer: Article 11 Act on Foods and commodities)
Content restrictions (Article 16 Radio and TV Regulation)
Outdoor marketingOutdoor AdvertisingOnly product information for spirits (Article 42b (1) Law on alcohol)
Youth protection policy (For wine and beer: Article 11 Act on Foods and commodities)
Printed mediaPrint mediaOnly product information for spirits (Article 42b (1) Law on alcohol)
Youth protection policy (For wine and beer: Article 11 Act on Foods and commodities)
CinemaCinemaOnly product information for spirits (Article 42b (1) Law on alcohol)
Youth protection policy (For wine and beer: Article 11 Act on Foods and commodities)
Internet/digital mediaOnlineOnly product information for spirits (Article 42b (1) Law on alcohol)
Youth protection policy (For wine and beer: Article 11 Act on Foods and commodities)
Promotional itemssales promotionsBan on sales offers for spirits (Article 16 (3) Radio and TV Regulation)
Ban on competitions for the promotion of spirits or competions in which spirits have to be purchased (Article 42b (4) Law on Alcohol
(Sports) sponsorshipsponsorshipAdvertisements for spirits are banned from sport events (Article 42b (3d) Law on alcohol)
Table 3 Labelling informationDescriptionLegally binding or self-regulation
Health warnings:Nopregnancywhite
Ingredients/nutritional informationNo
Table 4 Non-statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in SwitzerlandCoverage
Verhaltenskodex der AlkoholindustrieSigned by most of the Swiss producers of spirits

Extra information

*Study about the availability of alcohol via supermarkets; 2024