
This page contains information on statutory alcohol marketing regulations in Spain (table 1); a description of the restrictions per medium (table 2); labelling information (table 3); information on non-statutory alcohol marketing regulations (table 4); the complaints procedure; and lastly a summary about the Spanish regulations on alcohol marketing, including exhaustive, downloadable documents from the ELSA & FASE research projects.


Table 1Statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in SpainCoverage
justicebnwLey 34/1988, 11 de Noviembre Ley General de Publicidad (Law 34/1988, 11th November - General Law of Advertising)TV, radio, cinema, sponsoring, internet/digital media, outdoor, print, promotional items
Ley 25/1994, 12 Julio. incomporación del ordenamiento español de la directiva 89/552/CEE modificación de la ley 22/1999, 7Junio) - TV code (Law 25/1994, 12th July incorporates the EC Directive 89/552/CEE modified by the law 22/1999, 7th June) TV code)TV
Ley del deporte (Law of Sport)Advertising of all alcohol beverages, but only 1 relevant provision: "Every sports facility must comply with the rules of the EEC on the use and advertising of alcohol and snuff" (Article 70.3 Law of Sport)
Table 2 Statutory regulations per mediumType of statutory restrictions
TVTelevisionBan on advertising for drinks with an alcoholic strength in excess of 20% ABV (Alcohol by Volume) (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising, Article 18.3 c TV Code)
Ban on directly or indirectly commercial communications for drinks with an alcoholic strength less of 20% ABV (Alcohol by Volume) (Article 18.3d TV Code)
Content restrictions: youth protection policy, etc. (Article 18.3e TV Code)
Ban on surreptitious and subliminal commercial communications (Article 18.2 TV Code)
RadioMusic-Radio-iconContent restrictions: Youth protection policy, etc. (Article 18.3e) TV Code)
Ban surreptitious and subliminal commercial communications (Article 18.2 TV Code)
Outdoor marketingOutdoor AdvertisingBan on directly or indirectly commercial communications for drinks with an alcoholic strength in excess of 20% ABV (Alcohol by Volume) in places wich is banded the sell and consumption (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising, Article 18.3c) TV Code), and several regional laws.
Content restrictions (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising)
Printed mediaPrint mediaContent restrictions (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising)
CinemaCinemaContent restrictions (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising)
Internet/digital mediaOnlineBan on advertising for drinks with an alcoholic strength in excess of 20% ABV (Alcohol by Volume) (Article 8 General Law of Advertising
Content restrictions (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising)
Promotional itemssales promotionsContent restrictions (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising)
Ban in regional laws (Catalonia)
(Sports) sponsorshipsponsorshipContent restrictions (Article 5.5 General Law of Advertising)
Table 3 Labelling informationDescriptionLegally binding or self-regulation
Health warnings:YesSelf- regulation (Spirits, Beers and Wine)pregnancywhite
Ingredients/nutritional informationNo
Table 4 Non-statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in SpainCoverage
Code of self-regulation of spirit producers (FEBE - Spirits Producers Spanish Federation)Any type of advertising with the exception of sponsorship and corporate advertising, Alcoholic beverages > 1% VOL. Health warnings: (responsibility, moderation)
Code of self-regulation of beer producers (Spanish Beer Producers)Any type of advertising with the exception of sponsorship and corporate advertising (not aplicable to beer without alcohol). Health warnings: (responsibility, moderation)
Code of self-regulation of wine producers (Spanish Wine Producers)Any type of advertising with the exception of sponsorship and corporate advertising. Health warnings: wine in moderation

The following document contains an in depth overview of alcohol marketing regulations in Spain: alcohol-marketing-regulations-Spain.pdf

For even more (but older) information on alcohol marketing regulations in Spain, please take a look at Spain’s appendix to the 2007 ELSA (Enforcement of national Laws and Self-regulation on advertising and marketing of Alcohol) report.