
This page contains information on statutory alcohol marketing
regulations in Lithuania (table 1); a description of the restrictions per medium (table 2); labelling information (table 3); information on non-statutory alcohol marketing regulations (table 4); the complaints procedure; 

Updated May 2024

Table 1Statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in LithuaniaCoverage
justicebnwALKOHOLIO KONTROLĖS (LAW ON ALCOHOL CONTROL full text in Lithuanian)TV, radio, outdoor, print, sponsoring, promotional items
There has been a total ban on alcohol marketing in Lithuania since January, 2018. Alcohol free beer and wine are exempt from this law.
Table 2 Regulations per mediumType of restrictions
TVTelevisionTotal ban on alcohol advertising
RadioMusic-Radio-iconTotal ban on alcohol advertising
Outdoor marketingOutdoor AdvertisingTotal ban on alcohol advertising
Printed mediaPrint mediaTotal ban on alcohol advertising
CinemaCinemaTotal ban on alcohol advertising
Internet/digital mediaOnlineTotal ban on alcohol advertising
Promotional itemssales promotionsOnly to be distributed or used at the point of sale.
(Sports) sponsorshipsponsorshipTotal ban on alcohol advertising
Table 3 Labelling informationDescriptionnone
Health warnings:Alcohol Control Law
Article 9. Labeling of alcoholic beverages- Item 2
Item 2. Each unit of an alcoholic beverage packaged for sale shall be marked with warning graphics regarding the harm of alcohol to pregnant women.
Ingredients/nutritional informationOn some alcoholic beverages Non-statutory. Producers’ choice.
Table 4 Non-statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in LithuaniaCoverage

Please explore the links below for recent research regarding alcohol marketing regulations in Lithuania:

Review of the Lithuanian Alcohol Control Legislation in 1990–2020

Holding Policy Makers to Account: Monitoring voting patterns on alcohol and tobacco policy in the Lithuanian Parliament

Alcohol-related male mortality in the context of changing alcohol control policy in Lithuania 2000-2017

For older information on alcohol marketing regulations in Lithuania, please see Lithuania’s appendix to the 2007 ELSA (Enforcement of national Laws and Self-regulation on advertising and marketing of Alcohol) report.

For questions or more information regarding alcohol marketing regulations in Lithuania contact Nijole Gostautaite Midttun at