
This page contains information on statutory alcohol marketing regulations in Poland (table 1); a description of the restrictions per medium (table 2); labelling information (table 3); information on non-statutory alcohol marketing regulations (table 4); the complaints procedure; and lastly a summary about the Polish regulations on alcohol marketing, including exhaustive, downloadable documents from the ELSA & FASE research projects.

Updated February 2022

Table 1Statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in Poland the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism Coverage
justicebnwUstawa o wychowaniu w trzeźwości i przeciwdziałaniu alkoholizmowi (Act on upbringing in sobriety and counteracting alcoholism of October 26th, 1982. This link in English contains an older version)TV, radio, cinema, sponsoring, outdoor, print, videotapes and other media; immobile or mobile spaces which can be used for advertising purposes.
Table 2 Regulations per mediumType of restrictions
TVTelevisionBan on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)).
Youth protection policy & content restrictions for beer
Ban on advertising and promotion of beer between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. except advertisement provided by an organizer of a qualified or professional sports event during such an event (Article 13(1)).
RadioMusic-Radio-iconBan on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)).
Youth protection policy & content restrictions for beer
Ban on advertising and promotion of beer between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. except advertisement provided by an organizer of a qualified or professional sports event during such an event (Article 13(1)).
Outdoor marketingOutdoor AdvertisingBan on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)).
Youth protection policy & content restrictions for beer
Printed mediaPrint mediaBan on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)).
Youth protection policy & content restrictions for beer
CinemaCinemaBan on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)).
Youth protection policy & content restrictions for beer
Ban on advertising and promotion of beer between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. except advertisement provided by an organizer of a qualified or professional sports event during such an event (Article 13(1)).
Internet/digital mediaOnlineInternet/ digital media according to the jurisprudence means a space which can be used for advertising purpose. It’s mean that there is a ban on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)), Youth protection policy & content restrictions for beer
Promotional itemssales promotionsBan on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)).
(Sports) sponsorshipsponsorshipBan on advertising and promotion for any alcohol beverage, except for beer (Article 13(1)).
Youth protection policy & content restrictions for beer
Limitations on sponsoring, e.g. ban on sponsoring by manufacturer whose principle business is is manufacturing or sale of any alcoholic beverage with alcohol content from 8% to 18%
Table 3 Labelling informationDescriptionLegally binding or self-regulation
Health warnings:Ban on advertising and promotion of alcohol, including beer, on a newspaper or magazine cover, on posts, billboards, and other fixed and mobile advertisement displays, unless 20% of the advertisement area is covered with visible and legible notices on the harmful effects of alcohol consumption or of ban of alcohol sale to the under aged (Article 13(1)). Legally bindingpregnancywhite
Ingredients/nutritional informationNo
Table 4 Non-statutory Alcohol marketing regulations in PolandCoverage
Kodeks Etyki
Reklamy- Kodeks
Browary Polskie
Reklamy Piwa) (Code of Ethics in
Advertising - The
Advertising Code of the Union of the Brewing Industry Employers in Poland (Standards of Beer Advertising))
TV, radio, cinema, sponsoring, outdoor, print. This is an internal regulations of producers of alcohol.
Spirytusowego (Code of Marketing
Conduct of the Spirit
Internet/digital media, marketing and
promotion in the
places selling
alcohol, promotion
in the place of
business, direct
labeling and
with clients and
naming products

For more information on alcohol marketing regulations in Poland please contact the National Centre for Prevention of Addictions (formerly The State Agency For Prevention for Alcohol-Related Problems) at kcpu@kcpu.gov.pl